Random thoughts from a unique character of arcane proportions

Monday, December 13, 2004

One more picture & The Madness of ... Disney?

Hey everybody,

There was one more pic to add to the curling web site that I just got this morning, so I've added it to my pic web site, see address below.


Now, being another weekend, it wouldn't be complete without a holiday shopping story. And since I'm quite the good little capitalist supporter, I was shopping this weekend for more 'stuff', because you can never have enough 'stuff'.
So, Mary & I are in the Disney store because they had a great 2 for 1 toy deal that was "ending today". Still a great deal even if it wasn't ending yesterday. Anyway, after some hard core searching for the right toys for Mary's niece, I leave the store as my backpack keeps hitting people in the face, in the child, and knocking things over, and I'm generally overheating (as I've disobeyed one of my rules - see previous post on Christmas shopping rules) so I go outside the store to cool down.

Well the line up Mary was in took forever, but there was a good reason; some lady decided that today, today of all days, she was going to return over $200 worth of toys at the 'Disney Store - Eaton's Centre' location! Then she was going to buy things, and then pay with a bunch of gift certificates!! Ok, I understand, you don't think that the purchases YOU MADE were the correct ones for the children in your life, but do you have to chose a Sunday afternoon to endulge in this mad act???

Anyway, it wasn't all that bad, I mean, I did get to watch some guy, in his mid 20's or so be reckless on the bench spreading his legs wide open, to make it uncomfortable for the older couple who just wanted to sit for 5 minutes and thus had to scrunch together just to sit down.

The branch Holiday Party is this Friday, so I'm excited about that, and except for Mary, I'm done all my Christmas shopping!! Hooray for me!!

Kudos AGE, Kudos

The Cool AGE:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey if you want to see what a reckless guy on a bench looks like you should come to Nice on a sunny saturday or sunday any season except for winter. I can almost guarrantee you a sight that will be with you for the rest of your life. I think Thomas, Alex and Sophie will back me up on this one(can't quite remember, but probably Jenny and Mike too).


10:49 AM

Blogger The Cool AGE said...

I pray for your sake that when you say reckless, you don't mean exposing things that should not be exposed, but rather simply lying down, taking up too much space. Actually, either way I think I'm intrigued enough to come by just to see. Well, not only for that, but also to see my buddies in France!!

Hey, I'm posting a comment on my own web site! Is this when life begins to immitate art, or art immitating life? I guess that's thinking pretty highly of myself, or just using easy philosophical buzz words/phrases to fill up space & sound like I've got something to say. Do I have something to say? Do you care? Do I care?

Alright, back to work.

The Cool AGE:)

11:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not art immitating life, or life immitating art, just nerds being nerdy.
As for the guy on the bench, you should have confronted him by whipping out your man bean and slapping him in the face with it until he retreated in horror and awe. The rest of the benchies would have cheered too... then gawked, until you shut the lights on the trouser snake.
Catch ya later bro, and take care of the birds real good for me... and let 'em bite you, it's fun!

12:55 AM


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