A Year in Review

Looking back on some of my blogs, it’s been quite a year; some great vacations, some great stories, job troubles and miracles yet again, resolutions made and broken, Mary and I celebrated our 5th year together at the restaurant at Langdon Hall and some unknowns squibbled about a great event in June/July. Just to follow up: FIFA names Cannavaro Best Player of the Year. Hopefully this closes the book on the discussion, but knowing sports fans, this will only enrage and engage.
So through all that I have to ask myself if I’ve learned anything over the past year. Well, I didn’t learn, but it was confirmed that the friends I made back in 2002 are still the best friends I have – that is, outside my relationship with Mary, not that they’re worse or she’s better, Mary’s my best friend, everyone else are my best friends – and that made me really happy, and I’m glad to have you in my life.
I’ve learned that working in North America sucks so much; that this country sucks so much; and that most employers would rather see you die than help you along. But that’s alright, I got my revenge, because I was able to secure a new job before the other one ended, I terminated my contract early, made sure to get them to pay for my thanksgiving, and used a sick day on my last day, and I refused a going away party with management. How do you like that as a statement of go to hell? Some people say it’s not good to burn bridges, well I just hope I lit the flame to burn the castle on the other side of the mote!
What else, scrapbooking is really fun. It really helps to prolong the good sentiments of your vacation, which you need to pull you out of the post vacation blues. I learned that there is nothing better than a good night of sleep, except for a really great afternoon nap. Mmmm good zzzzs.
So as the new year approaches and I take into account all that I have learned, do I dare make a new year’s resolution? If so, am I to adjust my diet? But I do so love my chocolates, cookies and peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Do I watch less TV? But I do so love Earl, Office, How I met Your Mother, and a few (I’m embarrassed to say) reality shows.
Well, I guess as I grow older, I naturally seek to live the better life and so I think that will carry me forward well enough without having to make drastic changes. Just like society, effective change has to happen over a long period of time so it becomes part of your routine so you don’t revert back to old hobbits…sorry habits:)
So, merry Christmas everyone, and have a happy New Year, but before I let you go, I guess I wouldn’t be a good host if I did not allow you to speak your thoughts on this year in review, lessons learned, and resolutions for next year. So now’s your chance…
Here's hoping the next calendar year isn't fowl.
3:38 PM
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