Random thoughts from a unique character of arcane proportions

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Correlation or Annoyance

I don’t have a cell phone. I don’t need one, don’t want one, when I had one (parents got it for me for Christmas one year) my life did not improve by any means of measurement: life expectancy, Gross Personal Product (just made that one up) etc. So why is it that I see so many people participating in an activity that does not increase their capacity to participate in a capitalistic society.

How often are people calling you that they can’t wait to be called until you return home? How many people do you know? Now how many of these people would you actually want to talk to if they called??

Now I know many of the people reading this blog (that’s presumptuous of me – let me have my illusions) have a cell phone. You are not the people I’m talking about. I’m referring to a small segment of the population (although seems to be growing exponentially) who have more pressing issues to deal with (again presumptuous, this statement is based on my own moral system) than choosing between prepaid or monthly!

I just find that in this Ipod driven society, (and by no means would I think so highly of myself to think that I’m the first person to bring this up) I don’t see many of the “possessions” people have as implements to improve their quality of life. If anything, these possessions promote, or help people forget about how to acknowledge their quality of life.

Hmm, is this blog improving my quality of life? Well if it isn’t (that’s a topic for another day), at least it’s not costing me anything (well I hope it hasn’t cost me my dignity – see In Living Colour episode with Homey the Clown w flour, egg and ice cream incident, ahh good laughs).

The Cool AGE:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what more people need are cowbells - go BOC!

12:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to get rid of my cellphone... let me know if anyone needs one

1:17 AM


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