Random thoughts from a unique character of arcane proportions

Monday, January 10, 2005

In the city - a country mouse story

For a multitude of reasons, I love living in the city. My metro pass lets me go where ever I need to go when ever I need to go, all for one price, paid at the beginning of the month. And since the streetcar picks me up right in front of my building and takes me to the main subway station for Toronto, I'm thinking I'm pretty fortunate.

But, ah Saturday I found yet another reason to love living in the city. In addition to talking to boat people. They actually live on boats, in Toronto harbour all year long, including the winter!! I love seeing the regulars, those who were let out of the mental institution some years back when the provincial conservative party pulled money from the mental institutions and they had to release all those poor people out onto the street. Like there was this one guy who was always outside the building where I used to work and although I was on the 11th floor, I could always hear him yelling non-sensical, non-profanities; yet whenever I would pass by the local pizza place at lunch, he would be sitting there, quiet as a mouse with his meat-lovers pizza! Then there was this other kid who goes to the UofT art school and the only reason why I know he goes there is because some local TV station did a segment on the kid and apparently he likes to draw people when he's on the subway. Well one day I spot him and I think he was drawing me! Well either that or he thinks I have pretty eyes:)

Anyway back o the purpose of this post. So Saturday, I'm going uptown to see the love of my life, Mary, and I'm waiting for the streetcar, and so is this other guy. And so is his tripod, no I'm not talking about his legs. The tripod for his camera, and his camera, which he has all set up to take a picture. But he doesn't. He didn't take one on the other side of the street either. But that didn't stop him from walking across the street with his camera & tripod all set up and ready to go. And it didn't stop him from getting on the streetcar with his tripod and his camera all ready to go. And it didn't stop him when he got off only 3 stops later with his tripod and camera ready to go, but I guess he wasn't.

Then on the subway there was this guy sitting across from me who actually went out to buy a good back scratcher! I thought they only made bad ones a novelty items that you were supposed to win at the carnival when you couldn't win anything else so they gave you that as the consolation!

Anyway, point is, I love living here because generally in the routine of the work-a-day rat race, you always get to see some craziness, some nuttiness, and some down right oddities. And I love my oddities:)

The Cool AGE:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

subway stories - I got a million and counting! well, most are scuffles - like this one time some bitchy lady starts scolding me because she thought I was chewing my gum too loudy even though I was nowhere near her and other riders said it wasn't so - after tearing into her, I proclaimed to all in attendance that she needed to get laid, rest assured she was off at the next stop

10:51 AM


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