Random thoughts from a unique character of arcane proportions

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Computer trouble??

So there I am on the streetcar. So what that I woke up late, in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter, there are people who are much, much worse off. I still got to work at a very reasonable hour, only 7&1/2 minutes late, gees; I hope I’m not reprimanded.

Anyway, so there I am minding my own business, because as you may know I have much business to mind…what?? And on walk a man and a woman dressed in garb that hasn’t been worn since the paper press was invented. Well, they looked like pilgrims, not sure where they were going, and I’m not sure they were either because at the last stop, the lady lets everyone off ahead of her, and she was standing. For those that have no clue what I’m talking about, this point can be added to my transit etiquette blog.
Rule: If you are standing, you have precedence to proceed ahead of the person who is sitting next to you. Just helps the general flow of things. So instead, she let every one else off first. Well, just an odd start to my morning.

And then it continued.

As I’m waiting for the subway (le tram) there’s this guy who looks like he’s dancing, just bouncing up and down, and grinning as if it’s Christmas morning and he’s getting his personal field toggled. He’s looking down the tunnel, and when the lights from the subway show up on the wall, he looks at me (why me I’ll never know, I guess I just have one of those faces) and he says “Man it’s cold down here” “Oh I know” I reply in a low voice hoping that he understands that I’m not old enough to talk to strangers who are grinning the way he’s grinning, of course, I don’t think I’m old enough to say toggle:)

So then I go get on the subway car at a different door than he is using, but he ends up not being quick enough to find a seat, as neither am I, great more sense of connection, and he continues to grin as he's standing right next to me. He’s grinning at everything; people, advertisements, the litter that’s been thrown on the floor. As he was getting off the subway, he almost seems thankful that the entire experience took place. I hope he was going to go for some ice cream soon, as I thin that would be the only thing that could top that kind of a feeling.

So that was my morning, I just wanted to let you know about it. Or at least have some sort of record that it happened.

The Cool AGE:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pilgrims were likely Menonites... and I thought you were going to say that the smily guy, after getting to know you with some small talk, proceeded to jump in front of the subway. That was, I suppose, wishful thinking.

1:21 AM


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