Random thoughts from a unique character of arcane proportions

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mini Marr St. Reunion

For those of you who don’t know; Marr St. is a short little street in Wollongong, Australia where I lived with a bunch of great people for 8 months in 2002. That year my flatmates were Sabine, Julie, Dave, & Joakim.

I had the fortune of going to Dave’s wedding in the summer of 2003, but since then, I have not had a chance to see any other of my wonderful flatmates. Until tomorrow. Friday May 27, 2005, Joakim, my Swedish flatmate in Australia, will stop by Toronto for a week and I will have the pleasure to show him around. We’ll see the CN Tower, the Hockey Hall of Fame, that poster of Mats Sundin in one of the subway stations; we’ll go to Niagara Falls and even spend a night in Montreal. It’s going to be great! I’ve really missed Jocke (like I’ve missed all my flatmates who I met in Australia – not to mention all the others who I socialized with, Volleyball conspiracy, I’m thinking about you!!), and I’m really glad to be able to spend time with him again.

Hopefully next year, I’ll be able to spend some more time with more flatmates in LA2006. Well, that’s what we’re calling it now in the planning stages.

Anyway, I’ve got to go now and get some surprises ready for him as he arrives in about 26 hours from now.

The Cool AGE:)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Torna a Sorento

Hi everybody, this blog will be written in Italian, and poorly I might add, simply because my knowledge of Italian is better spoken than written. Besides, I would like to properly thank all my cousins in Rome who took care of Mary & I while we were there for only week, but did so much for us while there, we can’t thank them enough.

Grazie a voi tutti, da noi due Mary e Adriano. Queste vacance passate non potreb-essere piu belli grazie a voi. Quando abbiamo arrivati a Parigi per la seconda volta, erriami represi d’una emozione che non abbiamo sentiti mai. I ricordi de tutti voi rimanano nel nosrti cuore per sempre.

Grazie a Nando, Daniella, Emanuele, Marco e Chiara per che avete fatto vede a noi tutte le cose belle di Roma, Pompei, Sorento, Capri e AnaCapri!!

Grazie anche a tutti gli altri cugini per le ricorde di la festa di tovagioli, le holykarts, non abiamo vinti, ma se siamo divertiti tanto ‘assai’. E ultimamente per la festa quella sera con il “bumalo”??, la pizza, da beve, da ballare, da festegiare.

Non lo so che altro da dirvi qui, altro che sono fiero d’avere una parente cosi bravi, simpatici, e piu importante cosi belli!!

Io e Mary speriamo da vedervi tutti voi presto presto in Canada. Spero che noi due possiamo farve sentire come voi avete fare sentire a noi.

Alora, basta prima che comincio a piangere cui a lavoro.

Bacci e abbracci a tuttie

Scuza per la gramatica tutto sbranata.

The Cool AGE:)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Too Wang Foo: Thanks for the Memories ... Amelie

Hey everybody,

Well, this will be my last post for 2 weeks as I will be away with the love of my life on a vacation taking us through Paris & Rome. We’re so lucky that I have relatives in Rome who will put us up for almost a week, allowing us to spend some nights in Paris in a hotel. In the 4 days in Paris, we’ve got quite a schedule to keep, which means it might be tough to just sit in a café sipping coffee or drinking wine watching the world go by. I’ll see what we can do to make sure we do have some “Quality of Life Moments”.

We’re intending to see all the greats that Paris has to offer, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, Sacre Coeur, the Opera house; Musee D’Orsay, Louvre, Rodin; Chateau de Versailles, Eiffel Tower, a Seine river cruise, the churches Ste. Chapelle & Notre Dame on the island, and lastly les Invalides where Napoleon is entombed. Somewhere in there we’re definitely going to get to a café to sip the quality of life out of Paris.

In Rome my uncle & aunt have got us going to St. Peter’s Basilica, Pompei, and Capri in the first few days, after that hopefully la Piazza de Spagna and some other stuff.

I had really hoped that this trip would have afforded the flexibility to see Jacob, Sophie, Thomas and Alex in Nice; JohnnyK & Jemma in London; or Joakim in Sweden, but finances and timelines just didn’t afford it. Although next year with a World Cup in Berlin, who knows what the future holds!!

Ok, that’s it for me, I’ll be back in a few weeks with some pics and stories. Before we leave, I’ll be looking for a garden gnome to take over there to take pictures with of all the great places we see (Rent Amelie for explanation).

The Cool AGE

Monday, May 02, 2005

Dr. Gilette or how I learned to shave and start loving ... soap

Yes, it's true folks. I'm sure the Gilette corp. won't be happy to read this post (ya, because they go around reading blogs looking for people who narc on their products), but I feel I must inform you (some people use blogs to inform the world of the situation in Iraq - I just saw a program this weekend - I use it for these futile messages) that instead of using shaving cream to shave, all you need to do is use your everyday soap.
Step 1: Get a really good lather going, not just bubbles, but real lather.
Step 2: Get that great lather on your face.
Step 3: Shave away.
Step 4: Rinse away leftover mess.

I think you'll notice right away that your skill will even feel softer.

Mary told me that this is what women have been doing for ages - to shave their LEGS everyone - so why must we men be prisses and use shaving creame to support a corp that has too much money already.

Well, that's my post for today.

Just 26 days left before Joakim is the first person I get to host at my place "sans parents" (see Garth in Wayne's World 2 when he's telling Kim Bassinger he has his own place). Very excited, many places to see, many things to do. Actually, what's funny is that we're going to spend quite a bit of time outside Toronto not doing Toronto things. Is it true, am I the most exciting thing about Toronto?? Heh heh heh, not likely, but close:)

The Cool AGE:)