Random thoughts from a unique character of arcane proportions

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

And a hush fell over the crowd

Well, I'm just writing because it's been a while and I haven't seen anything new in a while on many of the sites I love to visit and so I'm hoping this will spur some words and thoughts. So, yes I'm just updating to prove I'm still alive, and more importantly that I have thoughts, well that I can have thoughts. I wouldn't want to imply that what I'm writing here today is (are) a (some) thought(s). If anything, I've just proven once again that I can take something simple and make it convoluted.

Well done AGE, well done.

I had an interesting lunch yesterday that may open up a new career direction. I'll get more details in a month or so, but some of my Aussie friends would know it by one of my nicknames I had when I was down there. It's still too early to tell, and I would likely have to go back to school while working, so there's still a lot of thinking to do.

So, that's my update, convoluted and uncertain. Hey, have I ever been any different:)

Oh ya, my buddy Joakim will be coming to my part of the world at the end of May to stay for a week. An adventure I hope all of you take at one point or another. I'm very excited, it's been a long time since I've seen him. And this will be my first visiter hosting at my new place, but most importantly I get to see Jocke again. Who's hockey team made it to the semi-finals yesterday, congrats Jocke. I'm sure they'll still be celebrating when you get to Sweden!!

The Cool AGE:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it's been a month since your last post! Are you no longer interesting? I can hardly believe that for a second... keep going to that friggin' steam room!

12:31 AM

Blogger The Cool AGE said...

I know, I know, it's been a while. It's not that I've stopped being interesting, it's that I've become so interesting trying to find stories for this blog that I haven't had any time to put any of those stories to e-format.

As for the steam room, those events have calmed down though, I'm not sure if they've read my blogs, but the kind of oddness that I used to report from the steam room, just doesn't happen any more. Although, there still are many smelly guys in the gym, who are seemingly unawares of the fact:)
The Cool AGE:)

9:44 AM


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