What a week!
Hey everybody,
Sorry it's been so long since the last post, but I just wanted to keep the Charlie/Kermit post on until Christmas. Since then quite a bit happened, so I'll just talk about it chronologically.
Tuesday December 21, 2004
Had lunch with Dimitri at the Bowl, lots of fun. Then he came over to the condo for dinner where we discussed a multitude of interesting things, my favourite being about how society would be better off if the bureaucrats ran the government and we did away with the political side of governance. As we were knee deep in Absinthe, we couldn't end up figuring out how to change leadership if and when necessary. We'll figure it out, it's just a matter of time. We've both got world leader as our career goal:) He's got a cool blog too, go check his out at:
Thursday December 23, 2004
Cold, snow, cold, snow, cold, snow. Mary didn't even make it in to work because the street cars were not running along her street. I didn't even get to see her that night as we were supposed to do our gift exchange that night. I was sad. Because I didn't get to see Mary!! Not because I didn't get to open my gifts. Actually, I was more excited to give her her gifts this year anyway.
Friday December 24, 2004
Again with the cold, barely made it into work for our Christmas Eve holiday breakfast. I had many croissants w nutella, & others with Smuckers jam, I love smuckers jam. Went home at noon which was good as I got to shower & do laundry before the weekend at my parents.
Simone & Brandi came to pick me up (thanks guys) & we went to Bolton (small, useless home town, no charm, nothing, just a bunch of houses used for sleep in between going to work & slowly dying - no, no animosity at all). Eventually, in a round about way got in shit for there being traffic on the road & not getting a formal present for the hosts. Great, starting off the evening well.
Went to my aunt's house just down the street from my parents. Ate lots, drank lots of wine, then some shots (sambucca - yes, guess I'm over it now, vodka, B-52's), danced a lot - yes, with family I dance, I'm just odd that way.
Then home to open presents, then to the much needed sleep.
Saturday December 25, 2004
Up in the morning to find a stocking full of much needed chocolate. Then just lazing around the rest of the day.
Sunday December 26, 2004
Back to the condo with Mary to do our official gift exchange. She gave me the coolest present ever! It's an awesome gargoyle that you hang from the wall and it's got a place to put a candle, it looks all great and evil. Pretty sweet, man she nailed it right on, very cool. Then watched some Family Guy episodes (I got them for her), laughed a bunch.
Monday December 27, 2004
Went shopping for a winter coat. People are parking lot savages, nothing new, just wanted to state it again. No coat. Oh well.
Tuesday December 27, 2004
Shopping with no car for a winter coat, no parking lot savages, but a new coat: yay.
Talked with my Swedish expatriate friend (Joakim - or Jocke) in Australia (that means he's a Swede in Australia right?). Lot's of fun, we're both really jazzed about his North American tour this coming June. I hope it all works out. We've got to get a picture with Mats Sundin at the College St. subway station (where his picture hangs - he is really, really young in that picture), and also go to the Hockey Hall of Fame. Then if we're lucky, off to a cabin north of Montreal for some fun with mozzies, caribou & canoes!!
Wednesday December 28, 2004
Wrote this blog and waiting your comments.